Top 5 reasons to sell your home now before 2022 ends

Need convincing reasons to sell your home now? We’ll tell you…

In the wake of the damage and changes caused by the covid-19 pandemic, lives and jobs have been lost.

You may have been affected as a result, or may just be thinking about good reasons to sell your home now in 2022, a year in which Americans, alongside the rest of the world, are only trying to recover from the devastating effects of a global pandemic.

We understand that the decision to sell should be a personal one, so we have tried to help you gain a clearer insight into the reasons to sell your home now through the 6 points listed out below:

Reasons to sell your home now in 2022

  1. It’s a seller’s market now:

In cities across the United States, seller’s markets continue to thrive. In the situation we currently find ourselves, there are more potential homeowners on the lookout for new homes than there are homes available for sale, this factor alone tilts the market in favor of the seller – you.

  1. Demands are at an all-time high:

With more people searching for security and the millennial generation at the peak of their home-buying years, the fact that the demand for homes has risen noticeably should be no surprising fact. In fact, Freddie Mac predicts that home sales will be in excess of 7 million in 2022 alone.

  1. Mortgage rates are predicted to soar:

With the mortgage drop we witnessed in the latter parts of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, it may have seemed like a more attractive option to keep your home. However, this drop in mortgage rates has also triggered other potential homebuyers to go into the market in search of their dream home; this has also made mortgage rates begin to climb steadily.

Although we cannot say for certain which way mortgage rates are going, we can say this: favorable mortgage rates fuel demand, which in turn make it the perfect market for selling.

In addition, recent trends show that mortgage rates are steadily climbing back up, indicating that this surge of homebuyers that we are currently experiencing may not last forever.

  1. Your home may be worth way more now than it was then:

According to data from CoreLogic, homeowners gained an average of $17,000 in equity in the latter part of 2020. These numbers are just the tip of the iceberg, as home values continue to rise.

You can do what many other homeowners have done and use this opportunity as an avenue to cash out and use the added equity to buy a better home or settle some personal needs.

  1. Covid-19:

Contrary to what many realtors and real estate investors feared, Covid-19 has caused the prices of homes to rise considerably. This is evident in the last point we listed.

  1. Financial and economic problems facilitated by the Covid-19 pandemic:

Let’s face it, the Covid-19 pandemic was a difficult time for us all. We witness a widespread loss of lives and jobs; this threw the country into a Covid-19-induced financial crisis.

For the first time, a record number of 17 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits. The statistics continue to rise.

You too may have been negatively impacted by the pandemic. You may have lost your job or the family’s breadwinner, and as a result, can no longer afford to make payments on your house.

If this is you, then selling your home to a fast-buying realtor like Tammy Gazda will give you the respite you need and set you on the path to financial freedom. Call Tammy today at 480-848-7173.

Selling your home with Tammy

Using a quick and hassle-free property buyer like Tgaz Investments LLC, you can rest assured that your house will be taken off the market in no time with no additional fees and costs to you.

Regardless of the reason why you want to sell, you can rest assured of a  fast, easy, and secure selling method that keeps the bulk of the money in your pocket. Call us today at 480-848-7173.

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