Listing on Zillow? Top precautions to take before you sell your house online

Before you sell your house online…

The desire to sell your house online is one trend in the real estate world that has apparently come to stay. In 2020 alone, online real estate giant, Zillow received 9.6 billion website visits.

While selling your house online may seem like a great way to hasten the process and take some of the stress off the process of selling (and in many ways, it is), there are certain important things you must know before you make the decision regarding whether or not to sell your house online.

If you go ahead and sell your house online without first paying attention to the fine print and potential downsides, then you may be in for some serious trouble or annoying frustrations.

In this article, we bring you the top 6 things to know before you sell your house online.

6 things to know before you sell your house online

  • It’s all about them

The third-party listing platform you use to sell your house online doesn’t care about you. They don’t know you and cannot assess your unique financial situation, thus, they are less than likely to give you a deal that is the perfect fit for you and helps your financial situation.

  • Highly competitive

It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there when you wish to sell your house online. Hundreds of other listings are going up every day, thus, your house needs to be in near perfect condition to even be considered by buyers on such websites. This may amount to wasted time, fees, and money spent on expensive repairs and renovations.

  • Inaccurate information

Sometimes, real estate sites add false information to your listing to drive traffic. It could be that your home was falsely indicated as being foreclosed upon or that the phone number listed as the primary contact could be wrong. Often, you do not have access to change this information too, and this can be quite frustrating. What’s more, is that you could end up losing potential buyers to errors like these.

  • Counterfactual appraisals

The estimates offered by most real estate listing sites use a complex system of algorithms. A lot of times, the estimates that these algorithms give may be as far from the truth as it gets. You may end up overpricing your home and lose a ton of interested buyers because of it.

  • Expensive fees and advertising costs

Listing on these websites isn’t always free. Even free real estate listing websites have paid services that grant you more access and improve the chance of having your house snatched up pretty fast. Not having enough money to pay for VIP access or advertisement costs means that your house may end up being displayed at the bottom of the listing page. You don’t need us to tell you that this is not good news for your listing.

  • Scams and unserious buyers

Being a platform open to the general public, you are bound to meet a whole bunch of people. Some people you meet may not even be interested in buying a house at all, they may want you to click a suspicious link or furnish them with personal information. Do NOT fall for this, as it is more than likely just a scam.

Better options than selling your house online

You may be only just realizing that selling your house online isn’t always the smooth, painless process it is often painted out to be. If you have a listing online that hasn’t received a prospect in months, or you are considering paying exorbitant fees to have your property given favorable consideration, we are here to tell you that you do not have to do that.

By simply getting on the phone with Tgaz Investments LLC today, you save yourself the inconvenience of having to hire a photographer, organize a costly staging, sink money into repairs and renovation, or pay anyone else to sell your house for you.

We will buy your house as it is, cover all the needed repairs, and offset all previous mortgage loans. All you have to do is get on the phone with us today and answer a few questions about your home.

We will respond with an offer within 24 – 48 hours. Call us now at (337)-227-9200 or (480)-848-7173.

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